anyone know of a good way to burn multiple 700mb avi movies onto a single dvd? or is this not recommended? i would like to create a dvd that has a movie and its sequel on one dvd. both are avi files. i usually use ConvertXtoDVD for my burning.
You'll need different tools. Convert the avi's to mpg. Demux to m2v and m2a (mpv/mpa). Author in something like DVDLab that will let you put multiple files on one disk (with menu's).
Hi there, VSO ConvertXtoDVD will let you add both .AVI on 1 DVD. Just load FILE1.AVI and FILE2.AVI and convert ! The only thing you loose when adding more files is quality. Some people will put 3 movies on 1 DVD but bitrate get's reduced to make it fit on a DVD5 media.