I would like to know how to burn multiple episodes of one season. As in not just cd1/cd2. Seperate movie files i.e. Episode 01,Episode 04,e.t.c. Also how many movie files is it possible to fit on one dvd if they are all about half an hour long and each about 175mb...? Any help would be greatly appreciated... Pinkeye
@Pinkeye.....is this a TV show DVD..... like season 1 disk 1 that has 8 or 9 shows on it? I use DVDDecrypter, then DVDRemake to take out all the unwanted stuff.... then use DVDRebuilder Pro/CCE/or ProCoder2 then burn with CopyToDVD after testing out the movie folder! Comes out great! I did ER, Doogie Howeser, NYPD Blue, Desperate Housewives, House, Married with Children.... all first seasons and some second season, all came out great this way. the only one I had a problem with quality was Doogie Howser,MD... but that was because the source DVD was crap to begin with (was not remasted, show was in 1989).
Sorry for the caps... The movie files are xvid with ac3 audio, and i've been using a combination of avi2dvd and dvdshrink, but have not yet learnt how to burn multiple files onto a dvd that weren't two parts of a movie(e.g. CD1,CD2). Pinkeye
http://www.afterdawn.com/guides/archive/multiple_dvd_to_dvdr_dvd_shrink.cfm this will tell you how to reauther with Shrink ..... doing 2 movies on one disk.....
No i meant i've only ever burnt movie files together which were the same movie, if the movies been split into two(e.g.CD1,CD2). Sorry wasn't very clear. The movie files are all seperate episodes and i would like to find out how to burn say 5-7 of these episodes on to a DVD. Pinkeye
then use DVDRemake ...... you can add episodes and it will even give you a menu! http://www.dimadsoft.com/dvdremakepro/info.php