Got both of these today and burned them with AnyDVD & CloneDVD2 with no problems. I can't seem to get the AnyDVD Log to post so I will just type it here -- same message for both movies: RCPE protection not found DVD Structue appears to be correct Found & removed invalid VOBUs! Autorun not found on Video DVD Bad sector protection not found Emulating RPC-2 drive with Region1!
Doesn't look to bad, just came back from getting Munich it is still in the bag. So now I know what I am in for, kind of thought it would be better protected. Just another day at the beach for AnyDVD
I didn't even need to use Clone DVD2 today. I was able to back up those two along with Tamara, Big Momma's House 2, The New World, Grandma's Boy & Nanny McPhee using Fab Express & Any DVD.
Just pulled Munich out of its wrapper, geez what a big movie. Even after removing the junk it is still at 55% compression. Guess it is DVDRebuilder for this one.
movies27 I am away from home at the moment however; when I do arrive I will burn it to a Dual Layer rather than compressing it toooo much. Eric
AnyDvD, DvDShrink, (movie only), DvDDecypter burn......... both movies... good day....................
Rebuilder gave me 58.2% doing movie only and just 5.1 sound [21:22:36] Phase I, PREPARATION started. - CCE encoder selected. - "Movie Only" mode is enabled. - VTS_01: 3,990,163 sectors. -- Scanning and writing .D2V & .AVS files -- Processed 235,714 frames. -- Building .AVS and .ECL files - Reduction Level for DVD-5: 58.2%
@arniebear, hello my friend. I did Munich both as DL (Decrypter/ImgBurn) and Rebuilder Pro/CCE Basic. Both look incredible. Even with the massive compression (like King Kong size) the picture looks awe-some. MovieDud
@MovieDud Hello to you my friend. Yes my RB backup came out excellent indeed. Did not do a dual layer, and with the backup I got from RB don't need one, lol. I also did the movie using Nero Recode with Max Smooth setting, Deep Analysis and Slow Recode. Took 1 hour and 20 minutes, so the time I got with RB, which was 101 minutes was not that far off from Recode. It came out very good, but I think RB still has the edge.
@garmoon Recode is definitely a good app, and produces great backups. With the high compression on this one I used the Max Smooth setting which would be in Shrink under the AEC quality enhancements. I changed the default value in regedit from Sharp which is 002 to Max Smooth which would be 000. It comes out extremely good and had I used Shrink probably much longer transcode time. Wish Clone would put in AEC, Advanced Analysis and a booktype setting, then it would be perfect.
@arniebear, I noticed that you mentioned regedit. Were does one find that in order to make those same changes. I agree about the quality of Rebuilder...simply awe-some, and I love Recode 2...I wish CloneDvd 2 would add those same type of features as well. Thank you inadvance. MovieDud
Go to your start menu and choose Run, type in regedit and hit okay. Then go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Ahead/Preferences Look for Compress Mode in the sidebar Your value will read 002 which is the default Sharp setting 003 is max sharp 002 is sharp 001 is smooth 000 is max smooth To change the value click on the compress mode, then modify and change the last number to the value you want. In order for you to be able to do this you must have used Recode at least once, so the program can set the value. Edit: Just did a blog entry in my Shoutbox for anyone who is interested
Thanks arniebear. Quick question: You used Max Smoothness...Why? Is that prefered for larger compressed movies (like Munich, King Kong) rather than Max Sharpness? Just wanting your thoughts. Thanks my friend. MovieDud
Max Smooth is the setting you use for higher compression, Max Sharp would be for lower anything over 90% personally I don't use it as my Television is set sharp enough, but sometimes on low compression animation it looks good. I go by the Shrink AEC settings since the programs are by the same person. 90-99.9% - Max Sharp 80-90% - Default Sharp 65-80% - Smooth <65% - Max Smooth
Thanks arniebear. That was how I was thinking (same author). You are a grear help and very patient. Have a good evening. MovieDud