I'd like to finally organize my endless collection of music and I've decided the easiest way to do it is using the "Library" of Windows Media Player. Here are two issues I'm trying to figure out: 1) How do I totally disable any MP3 from connecting to an on-line server and collecting the album art info? I want it to ONLY use the album art I create via the folder.jpg file in the folder itself. 2) Is it possible to create categories in Windows Media Player (IE: Country, Pop, Soundtracks, etc...)? Thanks!
1) Look in the "options". Under "Privacy", there should be something like, "Update media files by retrieving information from the internet". Just uncheck that & you should be good to go. 2) Right-click any file & go to "Advanced Tag Editor". You can also highlight an entire list of files & do the same.
How big is your library? You sould picky enough that you might wants something more flexible and more feature rich. itunes and WMP made not to confuse morons. Media Monkey and WinAmp are the two most popular.
I've actually already did this and it still displays cover art it pulls from some server somewhere. How is this even possible?
UPDATE: Found out what was causing the above issue. There was already a folder.jpg file in the music folder that was hidden. However, is there a easier way to categorize the music without having to use the tag editor? Where is this info stored?
Maybe you could mind meld with the computer and give WMP mutant powers. The rest of us just use better tools. The tag info is in the music file.
Maybe next time someone asks you for help with a specific program, don't think your being helpful or witty by telling them how useless it is and to just "use something else." I mean, I guess I can see your point. It's not as if WMV isn't the most widely available media player, which so happens to come installed on the most popular OS in the world. Why would I want to make this project work on such a broad scale? Thats' just crazy talk... As for the issues, I believed I have resolved them. I found a free ID editor that removes the embedded cover art and pre-selects a wide variety of genres.
J8son, you are too kind with the 'whitty' I was being a jerk! I think of it as 'tough love' I a sure you have a worse opinion. There was more than a bit of truth in my sarcsm. If you are a bit picky you probably shouldn't be using the bottom of the barrel app. Just because it is bundled with your OS doesn't mean it is good. It does work and it is easy to use as long as you don't mind the defaults. Then it is harder to use than a more advanced. I actually loath that stupid app. It does wacky things like it can't find your CD drive or writes to a blank disk to test if it is writable then forgets that it did that and asks for a blank disk. Those are complaints just from 2 weekends ago. That app is loaded with tricks. Enjoy!!!
I wouldn't go so far as say you were being a jerk. Remember, comments made from behind a keyboard have no inflection so things can come across differently. As for WMV, I actualy could replace it with a great app that I have here that would handle all my music in a cool, cover flow, iphone Esq manner. It's just that when the time comes to reformat or switch to a new system, I want something I can just drop my entire hard drive of music into and have it all there instantly without the bother of a 3rd party app. That's what's drawing me to media player.
Except for itunes, audio managers do not interfere with one another. I use foobar, media monkey, Winamp and (yes) WMP. I use WMP to play tunes from file explorer if none of the other audio apps are up. WMP loads the fastest since I never loaded any music into the library. Each app is best for certain jobs. They all have free versions.