I cannot link you to any, but have a look on P2P networks suck as Limewire & Frostwire; http://limewire.com/ http://www.frostwire.com/ Alternatively, if you are familiar with Bittorrent, then there are many sites offering iPod compatible videos, these include; http://podtropolis.com/ http://ipodvideospot.com/ http://www.torpod.com/ If you aren't familiar with BT or P2P networks, then you may want to have a look through our P2P software forums that can be found through the follwing link.. http://forums.afterdawn.com/forum_view.cfm/18 Au Revoir!
Are limewire & Frostwire made by the same company? Does anyone reccomend frostwire instead of limewire becuase limewire is being used by too many people. Thanks
Frost was created by the developers of Lime, however, they are not related in "Official" terms. They are both on the same network (Gnutella), so the client you use makes no difference with regards to peers. Frostwire was developed because soon, Limewire may be forced to imply a "filter" to sift out copyrighted content (by our beloved RIAA). If and when this does happen, Limewire peers will be able to switch to Frost and continue to share content *freely* (steal music, in other words), as Frost is developed outside RIAA (American) territory.
Sometimes you can find things of this. simply download the software and search for the music video.http://video.google.com/playerdownload.html