Ok...i have a bunch of .mpeg, .mpg, .avi, .wmv, & .mp4 ...video files. I want to get them on a DVD so I can play it on my dvd player at home & in the car....Which program will allow me to burn them nicely back to back? Ive been trying to use this Roxio DVD Builder, but its not working out for me. What EASY programs are there for this? Thanks!
What you need is Nero Vision Express. You can get Nero free for 30 days off AfterDawn's website. It enables you to create a menu with various features and then some. You can add all most any type of movie file to the compilation, and if it goes over, there is an option to reduce quality to fit more to your DVD! It's also very easy to use.
Depends on the type of media - or +. Depends on the gae of your DVD player and what it is compatible with.
Well, I'd say you buy Verbatim +r disks. Then you can booktype them to DVDROM, which is the format that regular dvds are in when you buy them. However, you can only booktype if your burner supports it... You should be fine with any format, as long as they are a good brand really. Eg, Verbatim. There are numerous threads in the DVD Media forums about which is "better"... Take a read