music videos

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by leahna, Apr 9, 2004.

  1. leahna

    leahna Member

    Feb 1, 2004
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    hi... does anyone know what i should do? i have lots of music videos on my pc - windows media - i'm not great with the terms yet! well how do i put these on dvd? can i use dvd shrink to fit more? i have sony software i got with my dvd burner and i did a dvd with 4 music videos but it took forever and doesnt always work. Thanks x
  2. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    Windows Media Video (WMV) can be burned to a DVD as data and then be played from the disc with Windows Media Player.

    WMV files are already a compressed format and DVD Shrink doesn't work with WMV format anyway.

    1) How many MB were each of the four videos?

    2) Exactly how long is "forever"?

    3) How exactly is it not working? Please give us specifics.

    4) What model burner do you have and what firmware version?

    5) What brand media are you using?

    Whew! The more info we have the better we can help you :)
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2004
  3. leahna

    leahna Member

    Feb 1, 2004
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    thanks for the reply. i want to be able to play the dvd on my dvd player attached to the telly. the one i made with the four videos works but my thinking is that if i can fit a full film-dvd9(?) on a dvd-r(4.7gb) using dvd shrink, which i learned from the brilliant guide on afterdawn, why cant i fit a lot more videos on . looking at the one i made (with the four) it looks like about half the dvd is used up - half of it is blueish! also i cant always put the ones i want together because of pal and ntsc formats.
    answers to the questions
    (1) each video is about 6mb
    (2) forever - well it seemed like forever- about a couple of hours for four songs - and again im thinking with dvd x copy for example a whole film takes that.
    (3)it worked for that one i made ok but sometimes when it was scanning the videos it would crash the pc and nothing would respond except control alt and delete.
    (4)my burner is sony. what's firmware? i got a software disc with it - it had 'my dvd' and 'direct x' and other applications i didnt even try out.
    (5)the media - isnt that the kind of dvd-r? well i have a few - imitation, memorex, mr. dvd

    i just thought maybe there is some other worthwhile software i could use - is mine particularly slow? and can i convert pal to ntsc or vice versa?
    thanks a million x

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