I’m trying to change a video file from mvk to dvd, what is the best method to use? I was thinking of converting it to avi then dvd, there should be a method I can use that is more direct. Also, the file has director’s comment audio I would like to strip.
Or use AlltoAvi which you can download here http://alltoavi.sourceforge.net/ it's free but only converts your MVK file to AVI(Use the DIVX5 codec in the program) so you'll still need to use another program to convert and burn to DVD. It works great on MVK files though. I use it with VSO ConvertXtoDVD to burn to DVD when the VSO program couldn't handle the MVK file.
Hi there, Do you still have the full conversion log of this test ? I would like to provide info to VSO, so it can be handled in the next versions. Thank you !
Unfortuantly no I don't and this was with an older version of VSO ConvertXtoDVD. Not sure if the latest version would do the trick now or not as MVK files are few and far between and I only converted the one movie. If I get more I'll let you know.
Hi there, Support for .MKV files was just updated/added not long ago. [bold]Most old version WILL fail with .mkv files[/bold] Latest version is ConvertXtoDVD v2.1.4.162 http://www.vso-software.fr/download_product_direct.php?product=convertxtodvd Please try this latest version !