I recently upgraded Optical drives(on the same ide cable) to a Sony DVD RW DW-Q120A(as the master) and a Sony DVD-ROM DDU1615.(slave) I have switched them as master and slave, but no matter what I do olny the master drive will work. I cannot find any Driver updates for either of them. They didnt come with a disk. Pretty much have 2 new drives but only on will work. Any help would be greatly apperciated. Thanks. Paul
Heres a link for your Sony DW Q120A http://www.sonyisstorage.com/bv_downloads/cpce/dvd/PYS2WIN.EXE and heres a link for the ROM, it's for a DellOEM, http://forum.rpc1.org/dl_firmware.php?download_id=2102 I have also responded to your thread in the Nero forum.
Make sure the cable connections are tight. Make sure the jumpers are correct. Some pc's work if better you set the jumpers on CS (cable select) It is also possible that when replacing your drives you might have damaged the cable. Have you examined the properties in Device Manager?
When i try to install the dell driver this is what i get an error stating........ "no matched drive detected. This utility is only for Sony DVD-Rom DDU1615 drive. Drives detected: Sony DVD-ROM DDU1615 GYS1 Sony DVD RW DW Q120A PYS2 When trying the cable select on the jumpers, should i have them both set as that? Thanks for your time. Paul
I had a similar problem with a different drive (old sony d-18a as master with BenQ 1640 as slave) BenQ wouldnt work right with Nero as slave for some reason so I changed to cable select and all is good. I suggest only changing the slave first. If not perfect try both. Post back with results for all.
There have been problems in the past with 2 drive made by the same company when on the same IDE cable. Only one seems to work. My guess is the 2 drivers are so similar that it creates a problem. The fix is usually to move one of the 2 drives to the other IDE cable. Hope this helps your problem. Jerry
I have 1 ide cable with 2 hds. Another has my 2 optical drives. Is there any harm putting 1 hd and 1 optical drive on each ide cable?
I fixed it(Well it was really you guys who did). I set both jumpers to cable select and everything SEEMS fine. THANK YOU EVERYONE for all the help. Its pretty sad(good for us) that this great site is 100 time the help that sony was. Hope everyone is having a nice summer. Take care, and THANKS again. Paul
Well my DVD-Rom will not ready disks now. The rw works fine, but the rom dosnt work. The pc reconizes it. It works for like 2 dvd/cds? Any thoughts? Thanks Paul
I may be wrong but I still think you may have a driver conflict between the 2 Sony's. It can't hurt to try this. If it doesn't work move them back. Put your HD's as primary--one on each IDE cable. Put each Sony drives, one each as Secondary on each IDE cable. If that doesn't work it could be a problem with the drive itself. Just guessing but this has worked on other members PC's. I have run HDs and opticals drives on the same IDE cable for years with no problem. I always use the HD and primary. Primary=master Secondary=slave Jerry