Hey anyone that can help me thankx, It will be greatly Apprecated.. anyways... My buddy is making his own raps, He needs a progam that takes old vynal or old tapes and put them on his laptop, He needs a program with a line in line out we can put on his computer..So if anyone can help me please..thankx
there is no program with line in line out, for this you will need hardware such as a sound card with line in. Also since you said it was a a labtop you should get a USB one like the one below also you will need a program to capture the sound, you could get sony soundforge as it is pretty professional and probably has all the options you could ever use. but if youre not looking to spend alot of money for that software, get some freeware like this http://audacity.sourceforge.net/ GooD Luck
If he has access to a desktop I would suggest M-Audio 24/96 audio card. This is what I use to do LP transfers and it is great. I think M-Audio make other hardware and USB audio cards for laptops. BTY, is this for you boy or your buddy.