My Burner stopped working :( Please Help...

Discussion in 'CD-R' started by Harleqin, Jul 5, 2004.

  1. Harleqin

    Harleqin Guest

    Hi Guys

    Something really srange has happed to my burner,
    was working perfectly fine an then i get all these

    Burner is 'Matshita CDR CW 7502'

    I am using 'Nero'

    Problems are happening when i put a disk in, the burner is talking alot of time reading the disk.

    1. I tried putting in a blank to burn stuff put Nero pops it out and says 'This Medium is not Writable' . Its a blank disk :(

    2. I downloaded the lastest ASPI drivers 4.71a2. This started a burn but i got a 'Buffer Underun' message at 60% (Never had that ever)

    3. I then tried burning again (this time testing the burn first) got a 'Invalid writestate' message :(
    then i tried putting in another blank disk and got the same 'This Medium is not Writable' message :(

    Can someone please help me, I have never had a problem with my burner (Have had it for 5/6 years) and now all these problems :(

    All help much appreciated and thanks in advance...


  2. Damon1

    Damon1 Regular member

    Jul 23, 2003
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    Like Cozza and I were saying in #ad_buddies, its probably a hardware problem with a burner this old, but if you want to do a Firmware upgrade then heres a link.

    It's good to see another Aussie in #ad_buddies, see you in there next time, I'm normally around after 10pm most nights.



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