I went on vacation for 2 months and came back to find my dvd burner and the cd burner that came with the pc arent working.... I try to burn something and it wont read the disc, like it says insert disc and I insert a blank disc and it says disc isnt blank please in sert blankand it;s getting frustrating...... Any reason why it isnt working?
Is this the same batch of discs you used before you left? Usually media is the problem. What you can also try is reinstalling the drives. You don't have to physically remove them but disconnect all cables to them, reboot your machine and shutdown twice, and then reconnect the IDE and power cables, and then see how things work. If you have XP, it will automatically reinstall the necessary drivers, in case that's the problem.
I don't know if this will help you with the problem but its my thery of the problem because I am having the same one mine started after I moved and finally connected my computer to internet and because I am still on dail up I always know when I get my updates and windows has just resently released 14 new updated that are recommened and that is all I have set my computer to accept and thats when my problem started. So if you are on hi-speed and was not around when they downloaded. You might not have been able to pinpoint it and I am now trying to see if driver updates help I am also have problems with burning softwares such as roxio was a big problem and and I couldn't uninstall or reinstall nor would it repair finally went to microsoft and downloaded their installation clean up tool an so far so good hopes this helps a little bit.
also forgot to add powerdvd5 not working correctly either still serching for answers. Have you noticed any other problems?
Although updates can interfere, I'm not aware of any recent ones that do. Maybe you put a Sony XCP CD in your drive? Ah, well, who knows. Usually, most problems can be fixed (if all else fails) but disconnecting the drive (both IDE cable and power), rebooting twice, and then reinstalling. Then remove and reinstall your burning software. Not the most glamorous solution, but it should work.
I uninstalled all my burning softwares and power dvd uninstalled my burners and roms through device manager rebooted same problems and i get the error code 8004027a graph building failed I've done everything I can think of starting to lose my mind anyone think of something else to try ? I've taken everything back off and ready for a fresh start.
oops sorry I wanted to thank everyone trying to help I don't know what I'm doing anymore by the way is there a better way to go back and add on to your message. thanks.
Did you try using different media yet? Try also uninstalling PowerDVD - this seems to be caused by that program. Download K-Lite Mega Codec Pack from this site or free-codecs.com and install using all the defaults, no changes.
Yes, I've tried different media all the media that I had been using was all working and everything just quit working after my computer received updates for windows and norton now all my roms want to do is recognize them as blank disc an I have played these same burnt disc on my computer before I've even disconnected the roms booted and reconected them back I will try uninstalling power dvd and doing what you said . My rom will play an original disc but not back up disc. power dvd comes up works fine but don't on back ups that used to play fine with it before. I've even reinstalled the older version of power dvd that came with burner sorry if I keep rembling just trying to help analize 2 heads can be better than one . I'll try k-lite. thanks for the info.
Well it does sound like your burner is toast. Try on thing more. Uninstall PowerDVD and install the K-Lite Mega Codec Pack, if you haven't already. Try playing your backups through Media Player Classic. If that doesn't work you probably need a new burner.
There are no exclamation marks and the error code is 8004027a graph building failed, and under properties it says this device is working properly.