my computer case

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by aXidburn, Feb 20, 2004.

  1. aXidburn

    aXidburn Guest

    hey i have a brand new comp just a few months old a custom build one by comp usa and i picked out a case....but now i dont like has 2 blue lights going down the side which are a pain in the ass when trying to go to sleep, and i dont turn off my comp everynite....and i dont like that the side of my case is like the cream/white color, but that i can deal anyone think there is a way to sorta put like a switch on the blue lights on the front or something or u think its just worth unplugging it from the power supply....
    or buying a new case and paying compusa to move the comp into the new case??
  2. Shad

    Shad Regular member

    Aug 3, 2003
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    Why would you pay someone to put together a computer for you in the first place?? Even if its free, just knowing that you put a computer together is worth the effort and trust me it makes you proud of yourself. Anyway, just to answer your question i would say you should get rid of the case buy a new one from ROCKS!!!) and move the things yourself. ITS WORTH THE EFFORT!!!
  3. aXidburn

    aXidburn Guest

    when i got my comp a like 4 months ago i didnt really know to much bout it, if i were to get it now i would of built it hard to move the comp to case to unscrewing the mother board and then screwing the mother board back in? and move the video card..ect, ect
  4. Mufasa33

    Mufasa33 Member

    Feb 19, 2004
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    Shad you are completley correct! I just built my own computer recently with parts entirely from it is my hero website. Belive me aXidburn its worth the while to learn how to build your own computer, it saves tons of money and in the future you can upgrade certain parts of your computer with out having to buy a new one. Youll save loads of money this way and people will think your smart when u tell them u built your own computer. ;)
  5. aXidburn

    aXidburn Guest

    no i know how to build a computer, but i learned like 3 months too late...if i were to go b uy a new comp today i would build it
  6. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    aXidburn, if you can find the wires feeding the lights in question then it's possible to splice in a simple switch. For easy access you can buy a switch that is made to pop into a hole (must be drilled - no biggie just be careful) so you can turn the lights on and off from the outside of your case. You'll probably need to splice in a little extra wire to reach the new switch. I did this for the cold-cathode in mine so I can sleep as well. If the only problem you have with your existing case is the light issue then it would be easier and simpler to just add a switch rather than tearing the guts out and transferring them to a new case yourself or paying CompUSA to do it.

    You've got a heck of a nice system that should last quite a while - then build your next one.
    _X_X_X_X_X_[small]Gigabyte 8INXP, Intel P4HT 3.06
    Mushkin 1024 MB PC2100
    Sapphire 9800 Pro
    Plextor PX-708A/Plextor Premium/LTD-166S
    M-Audio Revolution 7.1
    Bald is Beautiful[/small]
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2004
  7. aXidburn

    aXidburn Guest

    dude that is exactly what i wanted to know!! what kind of switch is it?...are there ones made special for a computer?...also i like the lights on my comp thats why i want them on during the day and when i am not sleeping is it possible to put two things on one switch...i have 2 blue lights going down the front of my case lets say i were to add a neon light inside of the comp, could i put a switch to turn on and off those lights?

    you have a nice system too, i need more ram, and a audio card...the specs that arnt listed are: Ati 9800 pro all in wonder, MSI k8t neo,
  8. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    Since the lights in your PC use low-volt DC power you can use just about any small two-way toggle switch you want - there's really no "special" ones for a computer.

    Radio Shack is a great place for little switches like that. You can get ones that require you to solder the wires onto the back of the switch or there are ones that require you to crimp a connector to the wires which in turn slides onto a metal tab on the back of the switch. I like the crimp-on ones because I'm horrible (and dangerous) with a soldering iron :) Either will work fine though.

    You can put as many lights on a single switch as you want. Here's a link to a basic little toggle switch that will do what you want and mount in a little hole in your case.

    If you need help figuring out the wires, connectors or whatever just pm me with your addy and I'd be more than happy to help.

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