I went to My Computer earlier today and find all of my drives and folders are bunched together, not organized. It was fine before this. Their group names are gone or whatever categorizes them. I've been searching forever on google to find an answer but no luck. So I'm hoping one of you has the answer. Here is a picture of My Computer if you're not sure what I'm talking about: http://img143.imageshack.us/img143/8375/mycomp3ji.jpg -If I right-click, arrange icons by, Show in groups, it just puts my Lexmark printer, Shared Doc and My Documents below a "Unspecified" group name with the rest of my drives bunched together on top.
Here is a picture of "My Computer" on my other desktop: http://img55.imageshack.us/img55/8461/mycomp26vt.jpg On my other desktop, everythings organized and under group names. On mine, there's no groups names. I have no idea how to get their group names back. -Could a system restore to a couple of days ago fix this problem?
System restore isn't necessary, the windows explorer settings just got changed. When you go to 'My computer' click on the 'view' tab at the top. Your old settings were 'tiles' and 'arrange by' was 'type.'
Thanks ratbastid, that did the trick. I had mine on arrange icons by comments so I switched it to Type and it's back to normal.