Ugh, some idiot sent me a link over msn which i stupidly clicked on, and then it sent to everyone else and keeps doing that every so often i told as many as i could not to open it and have now logged off. I did a virus check and it doesn't seem to be a virus.. when i try to delete the file it says some **** about how the file may still be in use. It has a toolbar on the top of my internet page... i clicked the unistall button and it asks for a code which i can't seem to see. Also when i click on most things that won't let me go on it because of an "error". I tried to get onto programs in the hope it was there to delete it but it won't let me, it won't even let me on word... help
Smells like spyware - try these in safe mode Spyware removers: ccleaner cwshredder ad-aware se spybot s&d download, update & run in safemode for the above in this order online virus scan
I did the spyware thing, and it has got rid of that toolbar, i'm not sure about msn it won't let me on. It won't let me on word either. It says "(whatever program) has generated errors and will be closed by windows, you will need to restart the programme". Any ideas on how to sort this out?
Keep tapping on the F8 key as the computer starts up - that take you into safe mode. Windows 2000 is fine - very stable system. You will need to download/run the programs in the order suggested. For Ad-aware and Spybot you will need to check for and download latest definitions. For a quick fix you could try - format c:/s - however this will wipe out your entire hard drive and operating system.
No not the "format c:/s" anything but that! Seriously emma17 Colw is right. Win2000 is very stable. Sounds like you are a newbie when it comes to the OS. Take this as a learning experience and not an end of the world Understand that what you clicked on isn't a virus. So your compter says there is nothing wrong. You downloaded a program of sorts which, in a sense, your computer is ok with since you said to do it. Understand people who write these things are intensly geeky. You cannot just delete it. They embed code in the registry which a newbie would never find. If you wipe the file you see. Typically it will pop up, kinda like weeds. You have to do as colw says and get some spyware protection stuff which is written by the "good geeky guys". Sometimes you actually have to go to the source and plead for the fix as was done some years ago with one malicious homepage grabber. Another thing to do is to Google the file names that appear and you see others with the same problems and possible solution. The last most last resort is a system wipe. sniff sniff
colw, i see you did a copy & paste of 1 of my posts, good. emma, once in safemode, when you run ccleaner there is 2 parts to do, cleaner & issues. cleaner empties the recycle bin, cookies & a list of other stuff. issues cleans out the registry, so when running issues do not do a backup when asked & keep doing the scan & fix til no more issues. it takes upwards of 3 to 6 runs of scan & fix before no more issuses found
*sigh* it's not letting me download anything because it's eating all my files, it also won't ket me in safe mode, i told a computer geek friend and he told me he would wipe everything... i guess it's the best solution.
couple things. what is the new toolbar called ? also, i came across an msn messenger virus sometime back, it was spooky, would open a window on it's own and send attachments
If you're still having problems you might run a handy program called Norton System Works.This will scan your system for problems and can be run directly from CD
All spyware is really insideous, and potentially very damaging. I run three anti spyware programs on a daily basis, and depending on which web site I been to always have big brother, quick tickets, and various and sundry other crap on my computer to delete.
download & run this as it cleans the crap out of windows like cookies & history & fixes issuses in your registry