I downloaded aid 3 for my friend and tried it out on my xbox first so i thoght well i really wanted avalaunche so lemme download it, then whenit was done i must of by accciednt erased my dash. So i rebooted with aid in and i could boot off of it. So then i tried to see if i could boot off of auf (agent under fire) and i could but my gamesave was gona, but i thought no big deal lemme just boot off of aid 3. i tried and i couldnt. then i started to get scared and keept trying and trying but i could still boot games. then the next day i read on here that if i boooted off of a live game it could update my dashboard. and now i cant even boot retail games. I really DONT WANT A MODCHIP and i want to be able to do this for free, could someone plz help me
Wow ur stuck in an softmodding a** crack. This happened to me before but I fixed it. Okay first you need to get the SlayersAutoInstaller Then what you do is make an .ISO image of that. The AutoInstaller might be an .ISO already when you downloaded it. Then after that you wanna burn an image to a DVD+/- using Nero6 or Alcohol20%. Then pop the disk in the xbox. It should go to a installing screen on the xbox. If all fails then you need to get XboxHDMaker. You can find it almost anywhere. To use XboxHDMAker u need a computer with the latest drivers. Then what you wanna do is take the HD from the xbox and connect it to the computer. Put the XboxHDMaker onto a floppy or standard disc. Then start up the computer with the disc and it goes to a kind of DOS Screen (OMG I HATE DOS!!) Then there is directions inside or a readme. If not talk to me (PM me)
ok i got it all set up as the master but since its formated i dont have an eeprom so i cant unlock so i cant restore it!I did it under xboxhdm and it said cant unlock need eeprom. I CAN NOT BOOT GAMES OR FTP MY XBOX, IT DOES THE SAME THING WHEN I TRY TO BOOT IF I WERE TO REMOVE THE HDD COMPLETELY!
When you boot xbox with game inside the dvd drive, does the game play? are you still able to play games?
wtf, your xbox hdd totally formatted? if so, you have to get the modchip. Unless you have eeprom and hdd key.
the xbox is totally formated, completly i did it by accident in aid 3, i have a friend who has a spiger gx modchip and he said he would lend me it so if i install it then would that work?
i got my spider chip but it wont work, i piut it in but the lights dont turn on it and nothing happened out of the ordinary, i still cant boot games and my hdd is totally formated
the instructions were horrible and i could barely understand them, i tried hackdabox.com along with spidergx.com i think the bios is xenium something, could u tell me how to find it out
the instructions were horrible and i could barely understand them, i tried hackdabox.com along with spidergx.com i think the bios is xenium something, could u tell me how to find it out
xenium?? no bios like xenium. Xenium is the modchip. Anyway spider chip is suck. it is hard to reflash. I dont know how to install it either.
i no that xenium is the modchip, i just read that somewhere, so im screwed unless i get a new modchip...