I had to reboot after spyware problem crashed my registry. Now my burner drive only reads cds. Tried updated firmware, reinstalling software, updating drivers, but not getting anywhere! After going through the process of img burn I got an error: I/O ERROR GWA4164BE113(E(ATA) ScsiStatus o x O2 INTERPRETATION CHECK CONDITION CDB: 2A00 00 00 51 20 00 00 20 00 Which I think means my drive is not reading discs I tried Sony and Nexxtech. Neither works. Any suggestions? When I go to MY COMPUTER and check drive it states its working properly.? It even states its DVD-RW DRIVE (E
try uninstalling the drive and the IDE controllers reboot and let windows reinstall it, if it still won't read disc then its time for a new driver/burner. the good news is a good drive only runs about 30.00 dollars
thanx zosoiv, this website is the best because of people like you that are willing to help and be patient with us newbies! AGAIN THANK YOU FOR THE INFO I need a new burner!!!
figured that, good brands to consider are 1. Poineer 2. Lite-On 3. Samsung and go sata if you can this would be my pic http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16827129032 this is a really good drive also http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16827118012&Tpk=Sony-NEC+Optiarc+AD-7200S glad to help