My HP DVD RW 840i lightscribe does not book type

Discussion in 'DVD / Blu-ray drives' started by spOrin, Aug 4, 2006.

  1. spOrin

    spOrin Guest

    why cant i book type DVD-ROm on this drive i can do it with my Sony DVD RW Dl Burner.. and for future look outs how can i tell what DVD Burner can book type or not????
  2. saugmon

    saugmon Senior member

    Oct 9, 2004
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    HP uses several different manufacturers of their drives. I'm not sure who made the HP 840i,but I'll check around. Sony is the same way. Lite-on and benq make some of the sony models.

    What's the firmware version of that HP 840i?

    I got the 640c,hp made.Won't booktype. Benq also made some of these,I believe it's either the 640e or 640i? which would make it a rebadged benq 1655.

    Booktyping drives:

    Benq-1620/1640/1650/and 1655
    Just to name a few.

    Watch out for some of the rebadged drives..

    Some drives may need special burn programs or a separate utility to booktype.

    Benq: Qsuite
    Lite-on-has their own utility
    Plextor: Plextools.
    Dvd decrypter can booktype certain drives.

    Edit: This is why I use caution with rebadges. The HP 840I,also known as the 840b is a rebadged LG gsa-4166b. The lg 4166b has bitsetting capability. HP 840i fw is ff66. LG 4166b fw is 1.01,so totally different.I'm not sure how you'd go about setting it up for bitsetting-to booktype.Some crossflashing from the FF66 fw to the LG 1.01 may be needed.That's over my head, LOL

    The HP 840i has a panasonic chip set.

    If you use dvd decrypter,set the booktyping through the LG tab.If it's grayed out,then no chance to booktype.Using dvd shrink,tick the booktype box in the backup options.

    You may want to check out

    They are all over firmware crossflashing and other things to help you out to booktype.

    Here's some info on your HP 840i drive:
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2006
  3. spOrin

    spOrin Guest

    cool i might want to start looking for a new drive both my sony and HP r going out i have alot of friends that want me to backup there movies so i been burning preaty hard core so any suggestions on new burners im up for it

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