My ipod has stopped working....anyone have any advice?

Discussion in 'iPod discussion' started by tayco, Jan 7, 2006.

  1. tayco

    tayco Member

    Jan 7, 2006
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    I recently got a 60gb ipod video. I only have 850 songs on it. Every time i try to play a song, it freezes up. All the songs are from my personal cd library. Some songs will play for a short period of time, but then it stops. It also will not shut off by just pushing and holding the play button. I have to let the battery die before it will shut off. When i try to play a song, it makes some weird noises like it is trying to access the songs, but can't find them. This also does not stop and wears down a full battery in about 20 minutes. Does anyone have any possible answers or advice?
  2. sackingz

    sackingz Guest

    looks like the ipod is the might be a bad one..I just call up Apple or email them..
  3. Lethal_B

    Lethal_B Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 12, 2005
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    Not so fast...

    Give it a hard reset first. Plug your iPod into your puter, then open the apple updater (START-->ALL PROGRAMS-->IPOD-->IPOD UPDATER).

    Then click restore. This will clear all of the songs from your ipod, but it will only take you 10 mins to put 850 back on.

    Your iPod will be reset. If you are still getting the same problems, and are under warranty, demand a new one.
  4. tayco

    tayco Member

    Jan 7, 2006
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    ya i tried the restore thing, but it wouldn't even let me choose that option. I pull up that screen and it says plug in ipod and i do that and nothing happens. It won't even let me try to push either update or restore. Thanks for the feedback tho. I'll try to call them or email mac.

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