Hey I hanvnt posted here in awhile and last time it was in the ps2 forums...Anyway I got some bad news...Well acctually its bad news for me. Heres the story I left my Brand new black Ipod Video in my locker cause everyone does and somhow somone found out my combo..Well they passed up my walet with like 50 bucks in it and went for my Ipod witch I spent all my christmas money on..so now Im screwed...and misserable. Any advice?
Dose your School have sevillience tapes? Have you contacted your oncompuse police officer if you have one or the office?
umm not that u should really be posting that kinda iPod info here maybe u should tell the school about it i guess that's what i did with my cell phone and i got it back the next day if that doesn't help sorry to say but TOUGH LUCK!
Oh ya, keep it quit that way the perp might be more likely to bring it back to school! Let your princaple know and print off The serial number in you name from apple.com if you redjistered it! Give that to your princaple! Then when you think you know who did it tell the princaple or oncompuse police officer and have them check the serial number! Good luck! What day did this happen? ~Domreis
Oh this was in the locker room! Ya, thats why when I go to PE I put my iPod in my normal locer that way there are tapes! ~Domreis
Well, Cams cost money, and what are they going to do search anyone who went in there in that 1 hour period! Well sorry they cant do that they need a little more probible cawse! Sorry for you lose, dont give up, check pown shops and second hand stores! ~Domreis
yeah but my ipod was in my back pack in my locker!Oh can you just quote whats important cause its alot to read.
Your locker in the locker room? Wow, at my school we have to put our backpack in our main locker at the begining of they day and cant take it to any of our classes!
Oh ya, when I first got my psp and was takeing it to school when I had to go to guym I unscrewd 2 screws on the bottem of my main locker, and that allows me to lift up the bottem pice and set my PSP and iPod in there so even if the go threw my back pack and all of my locker they wont be able to find them!!! Oh and no one knows I did that not even my freinds and it so easy to lift up 2! LOL ~Domreis