I'm trying to download the 154 for my coolsat 6000 but all I get is "connect the reciever and turn it on" the reciever is connected and powered on but my laptop can't recognize it. I have the correct drivers for the cable, I downloaded the preloader, I tried the auto detect and nothing work. What else can I do?
I assume if your using a laptop, you are using a USB adaptor? You installed a driver for the USB adaptor? Did you try changing the coms?
I installed the drivers and I tried changing the com from 1 to 7 and still nothing. Any ideas? do you think it's tha cable?
currently I can only see some channel but I cant see HBO, CINEMAX, PPV movies and channels like that. Do I still need to install 154 bin file? Why are these channels scrambled? What can I do?
154 is the latest bin. I am not sure what's up, but I have on my website, downloads for USB to COM port drivers and manuals. http://www.myfriendsareyourfriends.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=281 I haven't read the manual, but maybe it will help you out, and maybe the driver might work. If your driver came with your adaptor, I would use it.
I tried it but didn't work. I guess I just have to buy another cable to see if that would work. thank you guys.