i tried to reformat my computer last week and now when i start up my computer it says im missing a file in my system 32 folder and tells me to put in the setup disc and repair windows but when i try to repair windows with the setup disc it gives me a stop error code and tells me to go in under safe mode and uninstall the program that i just installed but when i select safe mode it tells me somethings missing in my system 32 folder and im right where i started. is there any way i can fix it or is this computer gone forever?
That can usually happen if there was even the slightest smudge, fingerprint, speck of dust or a scratch on the CD you used to install. Try cleaning the CD with a dry soft cloth and try again. Only this time, you might be able to just use the Repair installation instead of the Full.
its not the disc cuz when i leave the computer to load by it self then it'll tell me a file from system32 folder is missing and when i it any keys the it restarts. now if i use the set up disc then i get a stop error code. is there a program (besides the setup disc)or a button i can press in side the laptop to like completely restore the laptop