Just purchased this drive, and i can not get it to work with dvds it will burn cds fine, but can not burn dvds at any speed I use Datawrite yellows 8x, and have used these for the past 12 months with no problems in my NEC drive. The firmware version is DL 10 I have tried burning with Nero, DVD Decrypter, Alcohol 120%, and none will work at 4x or 8x, but it will work in simulation mode. Any thoughts would be helpful thanks Forget to mention its a OEM Dan
From what I have searched for,your firmware is at least 2 versions behind. You can get the DL12 update here: http://www.cdrlabs.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=20610 I haven't used data write dvds,but the quality may be questionable. Seeing as how you changed burners,some burners do have trouble with certain MID coded media. Can you use nero's infotool to finds some of the MID codes of those yellow 8x datawrites? I'm curious to see who made them.
I wouldn't believe that code is real.... no way in he!! a cheap disc maker lite datawrite is going to use Ty as a supplier. There have been apparently some companies faking this code "with permission" for compatibility.
this is one reason why i won't use Datawrite, or TTG02 discs for that matter. but yes there's a DL12 firmware out as that's what i'm using on one of my burners. be nice to your burner for Christmas, buy it some decent discs..
Has anyone had problems with discs written at 8x with the 4167B? I noticed quite a few discs I have burned with it have problems with data written in the outer third of the disc. Basically if I read those sectors on the outer region, a lot of the data is zero. Visibly you can see that the data hasn't been written. I've been using a bunch of Maxell 8x DVD-R discs. I've used the same media with my older LG GSA-4160B with no issues, I even swapped burners between computers, and even exchanged the burner for another drive. I still have the same problems. Help?
my 4167B won't do 8x, it fails (in Nero) at the lead-in stage with "Invalid Block Address" or similar error. though it works perfectly at 4x. i only use Verbatim Datalifeplus/'Verbatim TY'
I decided to try e-mailing LG's technical support to report a "problem" with their newer 4167B burner. (I know, stop laughing). I mentioned I used the older 4160B with no problems at 8x burning speeds, but the 4167B had issues. Here was the precious response: Yeah, thanks. So why the heck did I spend the extra money to buy a faster burner when I can't burn discs any faster? In the mean time I found this page: http://www.cdrinfo.com/Sections/Reviews/Print.aspx?ArticleId=14976 That seems to indicate the 4167B does have problems with different brands of media than it's predecessors. Hmmmph, SLam