My new Philosophy of Life: Anti-Repetitiveness

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by NightSurf, Jun 24, 2006.

  1. NightSurf

    NightSurf Member

    Jun 23, 2006
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    There's just too much media these days.
    There is hardly enough time for all the good movies, books, games, music. So unless it is something really awesome like LOTR or Half Life2 (or mebbe some really tasty porn Iguess).....
    Just watch it, play it, read it, listen to it ONCE. Then move on.
    So no more burning headaches for me. No siree.
    It's like I tried to explain to my wife: It does not make sense to drive 4 miles acroos town to save $1.25 on a loaf of bread and a jug of milk. That doesn't even cover the stinking GAS these days much less the TIME.(Didn't sway her one bit, btw. I think it's a WomanLaw and it's not about time or money but the smug satisfaction of "getting the best deal". I dunno)
    And that's my point. Time. All that media, so little time. Not to mention camping, hiking, boating or whatever recreation (if you had to look that up...step AWAY from the computer and get a life) not to mention work. It better be bloody good to even need to own a copy so you can do it again.
    And burning DVD's??? Big fat Phhttttt!
    Let us ponder the question: Burn, Buy, or Rent? (this could go for other media as well, to some degree).
    Burn: Burning takes time. (Side RANT #1: WTH. Why even make anything with over 4x burn speed if that is the max practical speed you can use?)
    Is there a situation where burning makes sense?
    Ok first off, what was the source? Unless you borrowed it or downloaded it you either bought it or rented it. So unless it qualifies for one of the best-movies-you-have-ever-seen (bmyhes)watch it and be done with it. So [bold]Rule #1[/bold]: Never buy a movie unless it is bmyhes.
    Buying: A trip to the store and around $20.
    Renting: A trip to blockbuster and $4 or $20 a month (recommended btw)
    Borrowing: whatever you leech. Just rent or buy it.
    Burning: We so need a handy dandy calculation matrix thingy here. How long does a burn take? Did you download it? How long did that take? How many programs did you have to download? How many hours spent on forums trying to figure out stuff like bitrates and codecs? Not to mention having to cordon off the computer w/ CSI Crime Scene Tape so no one touches the computer and messes up the burn.
    [bold]How much is your time worth?[/bold]
    I make $30 an hour. If it takes more than 1/2 an hour to burn it(Not to mention all the other BS) I could have just bought the damn thing.
    Is the smug satisfaction and mental pat-on-the-back because you have "bucked the system" really worth it? Cuz you are prolly making far less than minimum wage to avoid "dancing for the man".
    So people do yourself and your families a favor: never burn again.
    Watch it and be done with it.
    Buy the damn thing if you must.
    I will walk the earth like Kwai Chang Caine preaching my gospel of Non-repetitiveness until it becomes ManLaw and a giant beer can crushes you if you violate it.
  2. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    you sound like the advertisement from RIAA guys on burning back ups....

    Last edited: Jun 24, 2006
  3. NightSurf

    NightSurf Member

    Jun 23, 2006
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    Could't care less if James Hetfield can't afford another rehab session or new car.
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2006
  4. tycobb

    tycobb Regular member

    May 20, 2006
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    I'm not a wetard weally.
  5. pulsar

    pulsar Active member

    Dec 31, 2003
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    Nightsurf, what the f**k are you on about?


    "Could't care less if James Hetfield can't afford another rehab session or new car."

    What the f**k are you on? What the f**k has the above statement got to do with anything?

    This sounds like some prat from the RIAA.

    So I take it you get paid to sit at home? You are talking out of your ar*e! I have never read such complete & utter mis-guided bo**ocks in my entire life. If you think we are going to fall for this bullsh*t then you are sadly mistaken.
    You make absolutely no sense whatsoever.
    Who put you up to this charade? I hope you were paid $30 for every hour you worked on it!
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2006
  6. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    Now I like that..."It's my nomination for contradiction of the week"

    I mean really... RIAA MPAA kiss my a$$.

    It's my time and money I'm wasting.. I'll do whatever the hell I want with it thanks. At least I don't waste my time and the planets resources making pointless threads.

    comment At least he can spell..that is what's worrying..he doesn't sound like our usual retard.
    Quick.. bin all your burns!! the thought police are here.. LMFAO!!
  7. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    my Philosophy in a couple years the RIAA MPAA soon will have there heads cut off meaning (money} ..because of there crap..there hurting now..

  8. tycobb

    tycobb Regular member

    May 20, 2006
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    I think the most annoying thing about this thread is that he puts no space between his paragraphs further making it harder to follow his mindless b**ching and complaining.SCREW THE INDENT MAN!

    I hate when people don't put spaces in... it really bugs me.I'm glad there are people like this on ad though because I come here sometimes for a good chuckle...
  9. Polyarny

    Polyarny Regular member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    @nightsurf... i hope that soap box you were standing on was comfortable... this is the one i use when spouting useless crap
    but then again i dont use it very often.

    and just for the record i think your[​IMG]
    with that kinda talk around here.
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2006
  10. NightSurf

    NightSurf Member

    Jun 23, 2006
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    Hit a nerve, didn't I?

    Really folks, I have never even heard of the RIAA or MPAA (although I can guess their meaning from the context). A bit paranoid around here, or what?

    I was merely venting some steam from a frustrating bout w/ some stubborn OGM files. Although....oddly enough....I have been on a "burn break" and the feeling of freedom has been refreshingly liberating. I guess I should be more careful with the BS I spew, lest I start beleiving it myself, eh? But to seriously come in here and preach non-burning would be trolling at it's worst and not really my style.

    So lighten up good people, it was meant for fun.

    I hope this was indented and spaced to everyone's approval. And to the guy who likes to drop all the F-Bombs and such...try actually refuting some points in an argument.


    Well....tabbing and spacing didn't work for indentation. Sigh, live and learn.

    Edit#2: The progression (if anyone cares (doubtful)) went like this:
    Try to find a good copy of The Cowboy Bebop series and movie (it was the music that got me interested it it). English dubbed. Turns out OGM is the only option (that I could find). Now comes the fun part: Burning OGM. Oh Joy! First it must be converted, split, err..unsplit, blah, blah, blah....
    No fewer than 8 programs to download and install to asccomplish all of this. Did I say that I just installed my first DVD Burner a week ago? No? I just installed my first DVD Burner a week ago. So I found all this a bit mind numbing. Seemed that something went wrong somewhere in the process every time I tried it.
    As the wonders of sleep deprivation began to engage I started asking myself questions such as: "Is this really worth it?" and "I could just watch it on the computer yaknow". Which led to the rant everyone has become so fond of.

    Ciao and best regards,

    Last edited: Jun 26, 2006
  11. tycobb

    tycobb Regular member

    May 20, 2006
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    What's so paranoid about saying you sound like an RIAA infomercial,When in fact you do?

    The space is fine a little on the big side and a waste of webspace but easier on the eyes at least.Lol

    This really isn't an arguement yet and to refute something you have to have something to refute.I mean senseless babbling isn't going to lead to a responce that's any different right?

    But still your not being an a$$hole or anything..Just being kinda stupid.I know it's what these forums are for but what kind of loser needs to vent at a place like this anyways? I think it's more for attention then anything.
  12. NightSurf

    NightSurf Member

    Jun 23, 2006
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    Same kind of loser that feels compelled to reply to such venting. Duh.

    Smidge easier for someone who's "kinda stupid" to learn than for a confirmed a$$hole to become decent, wouldn't you agree??

    look Ma, HTML!!!! oooohh, aaahhhhhh

    edit: iken shpell gud iz typeeing dat keels mee.
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2006
  13. tycobb

    tycobb Regular member

    May 20, 2006
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    Your the one editing all your posts and posting stupid crap.I haven't edited anything.I sat there and watched your mindless adding to your reply even while I was still writing my last reply trying to make yourself seem smart but your not fooling anyone.
  14. NightSurf

    NightSurf Member

    Jun 23, 2006
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    it's ok man

    no worries

    and you are quite mistaken

    I am fooling myself

    ponder that

    loohoozerz "R" us ! ! ! !

    look Ma, no edit
  15. tycobb

    tycobb Regular member

    May 20, 2006
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    Hey look everyone he limited himself to less than 6000 words lol.

    I gotta go. I'll let this idiots last post speak for itself. :)
  16. NightSurf

    NightSurf Member

    Jun 23, 2006
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    Now now dude.

    Consider the possibility that in a previous life or parralel universe we were/are lovers.

    Bad Mojo.

    Interesting, is it not, how we often take on the personalities of our namesakes? Ty? Biggest A-Hole in the history of baseball?

    Oh well. Sorry I didn't let you have the last word. BLNT.

  17. pulsar

    pulsar Active member

    Dec 31, 2003
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    "No fewer than 8 programs to download and install to asccomplish all of this."

    There are only 2 progs you need, AnyDvd & CloneDvd2.....I've never had difficulties burning. Really rather easy.
    Maybe it is just me? PS, it is parallel.
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2006
  18. NightSurf

    NightSurf Member

    Jun 23, 2006
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    Dang. Parallel it is.

    I had actually opened up Microsoft Word and typed in "parralel" and when it didn't put the squigly line under it I thought I was ok.

    I can't go back and edit. I just can't. The Cobbinator would have my arse.


    BTW - TYVM for the tip. Those work well for OGM? I had not tried those. I will try them when I get my courage back up :)
    Thx again!
  19. NightSurf

    NightSurf Member

    Jun 23, 2006
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    Hey Ireland....

    Isn't that Patrick Woodruffe? I sorta collect fantasy/scifi art (books, not the actual paintings or even prints)and I have a couple of his collections.
  20. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    It really does look like PW.. Remember his artwork for some of the prog rock bands like for instance Pallas? Please ireland is it? ohh tell me it is!!

    The Cobbinator.. Now that is, I'll admit, a little on the cool side. But whatever.. This thread is still going somewhere else.. I wonder where it will end up ( actually I don't need to think too hard. Probably a last post something like " How about closed - ddp" )

    Never mind..playtime over. Back to the jungle.

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