My Pc Is::: AMD Pentium 3 996mhz 512mb Ram (The types are mixed up) 128MB ATI radeon 9800 64-bit. I want to play Dofus Online... And Other games E.G: Unreal Tournament 2K3 But it lags.... How much would A New Processor cost ?? And would I have to buy a motherboard to get a new proccessor ? B-) ??
Ok a few things That doesn't make sense What do you mean types are mixed up....YOu can only have one type...DDR,DDR2,...etc. What is your motherboard and what processor are you planning on getting? EDIT Actually by the looks of it......If you have a P3 than you will probubly have to build or buy a new PC if you want to upgrade your procsessor
you know that AMD and pentium arefrom 2 different types. Intel makes pentium. you also mean that you have differnt ram companies like crucial and corsair, etc. Right? Get a new processor that works with your mother board. You have an okay videocard so the processor might be the problem.