I have a router on my ethernet card now. I am going to get a second ethernet card just for my gc. I need to know everything I need for this setup to work such as cables. I am using CubeSoft Phoenix 2.3 Build 133. Thanks a lot.
If you're going to use a seperate NIC just for the Gamecube the router really doesn't matter that much. Just make sure that the router isn't using any addresses that start with 192.168.1.x as how you need to use that address space for the Gamecube configuration. If the router is (as some do by default from the factory), change it to another range. For example: 192.168.0.x. Physically connect the network card you are going to use for the Gamecube to the Gamecube's BBA using a CAT5 crossover cable. From there, use the tutorial posted here for streaming with the Phoenix loader. If you have any specific problems, post them here and I'll try to help.
You really don't have to buy a second NIC card for this to work. At its current limitations it wont really matter or increase the performance that much if any. Mario
I change the IP for my router in Control Panel/Network Connections/Local Area Connection Is that where I change the IP? to like I have to change the ports I fowarded as well right?
Hello, You really dont need to change your IP address, but if you really really want to, yes you go to control panel > network connection > local Area Connection > right click > properties > select the "Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)" Then click the "properties" button. Change it from "Automatically Obtain my IP address" to "Use the Following..." Thats were you set it. You shouldnt need to forward any ports either. I am running of a router and I didnt have to change my IP or do any port forwarding. Mario
But if I have a second NIC card dont I need to change the IP for the router for the second card to be able to communicate with the GC?
You could experience mysterious networking issues if you have two network cards both configured with addresses on the same subnet. You can configure TCP/IP the way lm_mario described above, however, you will also need to go into the router's configuration and change the TCP/IP address scheme to match what you configured on the NIC to the router. If you're going to use 192.168.0.x then configure the router to automatically assign addresses with the address of 192.168.0.x and all PC's that are connected to the router and automatically obtain TCP/IP info will automatically reconfigure accordingly. If you had any ports being forwarded from the routers external interface to PC's on the inside interface you will need to reconfigure those mappings to reflect the new addresses.
Hello KenkaiRyu, Nope you dont 8). In windows go to Start Menu > Run > (If you have windows XP typ "cmd" without the "'s) (If you have windows 98, ME, 2000, type "command") then when the command promt pops up type "ipconfig /all" wihtout the "'s. This will display all your NIC cards and their ip address. Find your second NIC cards IP address and configer your PSO to direct to that one (Defualt Gateway and the DNS in PSO should point to that IP address) - Mario
Oh I see force PSO to only go to the second NIC card by putting the info found out thru IPCONFIG in PSO configuration? Thanks.