Like many others I also had alot of problems getting the correct subtitle color (white and black) on my custom subbed dvds.. Though I found a solution with a mate that I didnt found anywhere else, its quite easy and untill proven foolproof for myself. Best thing you do is author your dvd with your own made or custom subtitles anyway you want.. Then test your dvd in powerdvd (open dvd files from hard drive) to see if the subtitles are the desired color, if not fire up ifoedit and open up the corresponding ifo from the main movie. When the main movie is VTS_05_X.VOB you should open VTS_05_0.IFO in ifoedit. Go to the VTS_PGCITI part and open it then select your main movie pgc, you can find out by looking at the length of the pgc. Then search the lower window for Color 0 Y Cr CB till Color 15 Y Cr CB, you can double click these adresses one by one and so changing the subtitle color.. Adress 0 AND 3 should be EA 80 80 (White) All the other adresses you should change to 10 80 80 (Black) then save your ifo and bups and test in powerdvd, normally you should ALWAYS have black and white subtitles now, you can play a bit with this and change some more but this works fine for me, hopefully someone can use this. Its only 2 mins work once you get the hang of it