My xbox blocks my computer from connecting

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by l3ojangLe, Feb 26, 2006.

  1. l3ojangLe

    l3ojangLe Member

    Feb 26, 2006
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    OK... so....
    like a month or so ago i softmodded my xbox and everything was dandy, i could ftp perfectly. i was having a dvd burner installed on my computer, and the guy that did it said he had to re-install windows, which meant i would lose all my music and modding stuff, and i would have to find everything all over again, i got this idea that i could store stuff on my xbox until my windows was finished re-installing. when it was i downloaded flashfxp and tried to connect.. didn't work... when i tried smartftp i got a message saying "the connection was blocked by the software on the host machine" i was using the right ip adress to connect
    i use unleashx dashboard, i've re-installed it to see if that worked.
    its set to DHCP, the only thing that i can conclude is that my xbox blocks my computer. help please..
  2. philmccan

    philmccan Guest

    Here's a link that you can use to see if you have all the numbers right, on your xbox and computer in case you might of forgotten a few things.

    Who installed you dvd burner? Either you paid to much or not enough! you do not need to do a reinstall of your OS for a burner.
  3. Shaddow07

    Shaddow07 Member

    Mar 1, 2006
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    Yea I have to agree with him, i dont know what went wrong but a dvd burrner should not require a whole new os, kind os. Unless u were running a lower os b4 that but w/e weird.
  4. l3ojangLe

    l3ojangLe Member

    Feb 26, 2006
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    I got all the numbers right, and I still couldn't connect. I'm thinking I should get a new dashboard. I used the SID3 installer and it has a version of evox and unleashx, but I don't know if those are different or not as good as whatever dashboards anyone else uses. I can't FTP, but I know I can burn CD's. The problem is, my xbox doesn't read .exe files.

  5. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    try to use Static instead of DHCP
  6. l3ojangLe

    l3ojangLe Member

    Feb 26, 2006
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    All is well!

    I tried doing just the opposite, by trying to get my xbox to connect to my computer. It didn't work but then I tried FlashFXP again, and guess what!! It worked.

    Thanks for the help!
  7. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    ok Enjoy.

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