I have a softmoded Xbox with UnleashedX dash. What do I need to do to allow my Xbox to connect to the internet? I can FTP to it...but everytime I try to use something Internet related (weather, skin downloading etc) in XBMC, or UnleashedX I get errors. http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/523607#3165659 I am using "Setup D" What needs to be done? Any help is appreciated.
Not a great sharing setup! However, you need to sharing the connection via ICS http://www.practicallynetworked.com/Article.asp?aid=11&p=2
Alright thanks! I can download scripts..watch youtube videos..this is amazing! Although now in order to run Xlink Kai I have to disable the Network Bridge I just made.. If I don't it won't run and Kai will crash, if I try to start it..oh well, guess I cant have both working at the same time with my setup..? Edit: Alright I don't have to disable the Network Bridge I just need to remove my LAN1 connection (xbox) from the bridge. Then Kai works, which is basically the same as disabling it..