My xbox doesnt read cdrw, why????

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by Fokdem, May 31, 2005.

  1. Fokdem

    Fokdem Member

    May 31, 2005
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    Ok, I got my xbox modified, im not sure wich chip, they guy who did used, but he installed Unleash X, that is what I know. He told me that now my xbox is able to read cd-rw and dvd with data.
    but I dont know why my xbox doesnt read cdrw. It was just once that it read a cdrw,
    I think maybe is my old lens thomson, but there is any way i could make my xbox read cd-rw
  2. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    You said the magic word "Thompson" From what I understand the only Xbox drives that will read cd-rw is the samsung 616T. They are a straight plug-in replacement. You can spot them cos they've got 2 holes in the draw, like the Hitachi, though I've only ever seen 1 photo of one of those. They don't read cd-rw anyway so what am I blathering on about. Mind you if anyone knows any better I will stand corrected..

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