ok. My friend gave my his modded xbox to me like 3 weeks ago. i was so excited. But the only reason he gave it to me was because it would occasionaly get wrecked. I got a problem with the xbox...read below The xbox he gave me is modded. Whenever i turn on the xbox, the xbox symbol is BLUE instead of the usual green and at the top left corner it writes "EVO X". Whenever i try to turn on the xbox, this wierd clicking noise comes up and keeps making the noise until this "your xbox needs service, please call customer service" and the number 7 comes up at the top left corner of the screen. I have read on these forums its error 7 which is HDD timeout. Does this mean i need to purchase a brand new harddrive or something? I really want to play xbox...i even bought halo, halo 2 and fable:the lost chapters today but i cant play them. Can anyone help me?What is this EVO X thing i have and keep hearing about and yes, my xbox is chipped because the xbox symbol is blue. Also, what is FTP?i keep hearing about it on these forums in conjuction with that EVO X thing. Seeming i got evo x, does it mean i can FTP games onto my hard drive? Ok i would like to know how could i fix error number 7 without tearing apart my xbox, but i will if i have to. Also, could be xbox ftp because its EVO X modded?How can i check how hard-drives space?i would do anything to fix this xbox without paying because i wanna play halo 1, 2 and fable!i swear im going crazy. can someone please explain/answer these things to me?i wud luv yah if u did Thanks, help will be much appreicated.
the hard drive is fried, just get an autoinstaller and pop a new hard drive in it and format and your good to go
u mean BUY as in pay real life money for a new xbox hard drive?and whats a autoinstaller?and is there anyway to do it without paying any $$$
well...i wud buy one if i had to. Is there anyway to format my current default xbox hard drive which is a "Seagate U series 5"?And seeming my xbox is evo x modded, after i put the new hard drive in do i need to mod the xbox again?Please, i will go to a computer store now to buy a hard drive, but i want to know if i can format my current xbox drive so its like in a brand new state.
Ta..you could have used the quote tags, though it's nice to see somebody rip my exact words lol http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/443357 The drive MUST be over 8.2Gb as the bootloader looks for a 4 gig E:\, a 900Mb x,y,z and a 600Mb C:\.. that rolls in at around 8gigs with a bit left over for partition gaps. Most stock drives are 10.2 gigs.
Here you go.. First you need to open it up and find out exactly what sort of mod has been done to it.. If it's a chip they usually have some external switches, not always, but most do. It may be a softmod (modified only in software) which is a different kettle of fish altogether.. Finally the onboard bios chip may have been flashed (TSOP flash)..that is basically the same as a modchip, but may be using an old and strange bios, which can also give us headaches. You will need to open it up to replace the hdd anyway, so crack it open and have a look under the dvd drive for something like.. well you will know a lot more after having a look here.. http://www.xbox-modchips.com/tutorials.html I gotta be up early in the morning..back about 9 pm UK time tomorrow... Post back when you have an idea of what mod has been done and we'll take it from there.. xD
Ok, i opened it up and i have found that i have a "Duo X2 Lite" hard chip in it, which looks like this:
omg the xbox was working fine and i was enjoying playing halo 2 and then it stuffed up again -.- seriously, this shit is confusing the hell out of me...WHAT DO I NEED TO DO?DO I NEED TO BUY A NEW HARD DRIVE?? and i dont understand all those xbox jargons your using like flash bios and stuff...im a noob to this.
OK..no panic.. You are hardware modded.. Go and buy a drive anywhere between 10 and 300 gigs..pretty much whatever you fancy in the 7200rpm ide series. Any that have a tick in all the boxes, especially locking (important if you want to run a ms dash at any time) will do off this list.. http://xboxdrives.x-pec.com/?p=list Then download a copy of slayers 2.7..torrents are easiest, or xbins if you feel brave, burn the resulting iso as a disk image/saved project with nero express on a dvd-r at 4x. Put the drive and everything back together..put the disk in the xbox drive, reboot and do a full format and install all software. If nero says wrong disk type use alcohol 120% instead. See.. It's not that hard, just some people like to make it seem so xD.. Jan