I just got a MyBook 500 GB External Harddrive. It is brand new I just hooked it up. Problem is I am trying to move over some larger files form my internal hardrive to it. There is 460GB of free space on it but when I try to move over these files an error of "insufficient Harddrive space" pops up. What the hell/ Has anyone else had this problem? How do I fix it or make it work? This is the whole damn reason I bought the thing for. Please help.Thank You.
I plugged it in and followed the set-up. It works on smaller files under 4GB but anything larger and it wont let me transfer it over.
Sounds like the drive is formatted as FAT32 - the maximum allowed size of a single file is 4GB in FAT32. You could convert it to NTFS via "convert drive letter: /fs:ntfs" http://support.microsoft.com/kb/307881
Yes, all Mybooks come formatted in FAT32 so they can be used with macs. To transfer a file bigger than 4GB you must reformat it to NTFS.