mysterious night-time restarts are making me crazy!

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by BFD, May 9, 2005.

  1. BFD

    BFD Guest

    I've tried everything I know how to figure out what is causing my system to - basically to restart in the middle of the night - it can be on all day, connected just fine, chugging away at emual, but then I go to bed, wake up a few hours later and it's restarted! the connection is gone, all the windows I had up are gone! What in the world can the problem be?? Do I have some elaborate virus, or are my settings just mixed up somewhere? It's a notebook, if that means anything.
  2. WiteWizrd

    WiteWizrd Regular member

    Dec 27, 2004
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    this is not my expertise but......

    The first think that comes to my mind is..overheating.
    even though night time the temp drops so your cpu should be cooler, try doing only half or less than that than you normally would have your computer do.

    another thing...i dont know what it would mean...but maybe your computer isnt restarting at all. she is doing fine during the day. why should it be any different at night.

    told you it wasnt my expertise, but i hope i at least gave you something to think about. good luck man
  3. WiteWizrd

    WiteWizrd Regular member

    Dec 27, 2004
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    26 was listed twice
    Last edited: May 10, 2005

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