Heard off a reliable source, that N*L etc are roling out new S*Y type boxes(pretty impossible to overcome)fron aug/sep. Anybody hear anything?
Yep lets just say they are rolling out new boxes in some areas, knew about it a few days ago. Some customers should have received notification by now, but by no means did it imply new encryption, suck it and see I say
How are you doin' Scouser, good to get it from a "real" reliable source. suck it and see...ok, but why else would they be rolling out new boxes??
my idea is do you know the way when they change the codes on our boxes that it interrupts some of there boxes so maybe they brought them out so when they change the codes it might not interrupt the new boxes wb ASAP
Yep logic may prevail but I still use the "suck it and see" approach. Hate been the bearer of bad news, I always try to look at the brighter side of things, that and sticking my head in the sand come to mind As said I knew about it a few days ago, but thats all I know for now.