This is my theory with a positive twist for a change. It's based on business knowledege as opposed to technical experience so feel free to shoot it down if needs As of now it's 8 weeks since the encryption change to Nagra 2 with the evidence all pointing to a total change over to Nagra 3 eventually. In that time, Krypt*iew is the only box currently working and every other box has no fix. In my opinion a rat has to be smelt as to why there has been no fixes for any of the other boxes to which make up the majority of all used. My opinion is that E*rovox and Starv*ew have been paid off by N*L to keep away updates for a period of time untill people get fed up. As Kryptvi*w is a closed source box then they would be out of this loop as it would always be in their interest to keep their box alive. Could it be a case that N*L will just use Nagra 2 for now as it would work out a lot cheaper in licence fees for an encrytion system of such high security? I.e a shortt term plan to get the majority back to their sub service. As I said , its a theory so go easy with the replies.. Regards
first reply..... ask them about JFK... like who shot him ??? and elvis.... he's livin in CORK... only kiddin you.... (PS.. i was easy in this reply) who knows whats up ??? T
All the boxes are closed source, even the linux ones. And your argument does not make sense. N3 is already up and running, all of the new cards are all N3 so they already are paying a license. Not sure how licensing works, but it might actually be even more expensive for them to have N1, N2, N3 running at the same time, and be in their interest to switch to N3 only. Right now the only cost remaining is to issue new cards to the people using the N2 PVR boxes, which is small compared to what they have already paid for everyone elses cards and the license. I suppose the switch to N2 caused alot of boxes to become doorstops, which spread the word that the boxes are dead, and N*L have slowed down their progress. It might also be in N*L's plan to wait for people to spend more money buy kryptviews then switch completely to N3 to give the finger to the people who spent their money on the boxes. Oh and kryptview were way too quick with that update, they could not have programmed that in a few days, they had it ready, and then took a few days to test it with the live system and fix any bugs.
if people get 2 months or more out of any box it has well paid for itself with the cost of full packages from any of the providers so anything after that is a bonus especially if you have to go to the pub to watch some of the matches thats more savings !! and in the cable business first up best dressed nothing to do with krypt doing releases to quick they are supporting their boxes that have now been on the market for the last 2 yrs or so do you expect people to wait when their is a fix available for there set top box did you ever think that the other box manufacturers have not been able to fix theirs and that could be the problem
Cheers for the replies guys, you're right fergus... for some people getting one match would pay for the box with the amount they might have spent down the Every day is a bonus, it just irkes me as to why the others have not come up with fixes.. do any of these other boxes make announcements in the past ?
if there are fixes for the other boxes they will always be on here and people will know pretty quick about that all right dont worry about that
Yes but when (or if) there are fixes for the other boxes which box will people keep on buying my bet is kryptview, and if the UK is next to switch to N2/3 and they read on here no fix after seven weeks for starview, eurovox etc surely they have shot themselves in the foot over this and the kryptview team must be laughing (all the way to the bank. Basically if I lived in the UK looking to buy a box given their support the kryptview is miles ahead of the rest.
could not agree more with you on that one even the linux based ones have no fixes either which i am more than surprised at this stage
it would defy logic to make announcements,if you have the hacks thats why there closed stop the cable companies getting hold of the fix(so they cant make counter measures)and also to stop other firms taking credit or making money from their hard work.why would ntl/chorus pay people to hack there system and then make it known how to do it,their business is to make money not lose it,and as we all know only to well there is no absolute fix, and not starview/eurovox/dreambox/or kryptview or anybody else can gaurantee that they can find one.its wait and see.
UPZ don't seem to be scared about spending cash at the moment. There planning 120Mb bb for mid next year! I really don't think they would pay off the companies. Surely securing their network would be top od their list.
they will soon go the same way that virgin have gone i bet sell there broadband and phone package and get the tv on free thats just my idea of what is going to happen
They will definitely be leading the pack hear in Ireland when it comes to bb anyway. You could have the internet downloaded in an hour at those speeds!!!
If you have ever used NTL BB it is never near those speeds and always breaking down, my advice keep away from them. New BB package started on satellite Astra2 connect faster than any landline downloading at 120Kbytes/s !!!
I have 20mbit from NTL in dublin and get full speed at off peak times and 8-12mbit peak. They do rate limit torrents though, but not usenet which i primarily use anyway.
hi and cheers from the U.S. I run a few UG boards in the states and have been testing different encryption methods for various providors since '95 Normally I test plastic but have played w/ various FTA boxes just for fun. FTA is very simple and w/ the exception of a few boxes like Dreambox and Captiveowrks the STB's are closed source. All FTA's do essentially is emulate what the cam's (Conditional Access Modules) do. So w/out compromising the providers CAM's there can be no FTA. The reason some FTA's run longer or stay up longer is simple and it goes back to being closed source. Each company usually has a small group of people who modify the hacked providor code to make it operational on their own equipment. Some people call them coders but really they are just writing and or re-writing front end stuff to make their GUI's all nice and pretty. Now depending on which hacked code they have access too will depend on it's reliability and longevity. Whenever Kuldesky sends an ECM the real coders will re-write a patch the circumvent the values within the ECM. Once that patch is written it is leaked or sold to FTA groups who re-write it and presto the FTA's are back up and running. I know this is my first post and i am from the states and blah blah frickin blah but I just wanted to make this one post and hope that it may help to clear some things up. Nagra 3 has been compromised so you can all rest assured the game is not over. These peaks and valleys of testing have gone on since the beginnig of encryption and will not stop now. cheers 3m