N64 emulator help

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by elucas001, Jul 2, 2006.

  1. elucas001

    elucas001 Guest

    I have installed the AID 3 deluxe disc with the 3.03 updates. Everything has installed and is working great with exception of the emulators. I have read alot of threads about this. I have learned that you need to download roms as they are not already on the disc. I downloaded roms, left them zipped, put them into my roms folder. I then found out from threads and the nice post you get from the xbox that you must edit teh surreal.ini file. I found the surreal.ini file inside /E/Emulators/Surreal64 along with a bunch of other .ini and xbe files as well asan ini file media,roms and skins. I edited the surreal.ini file to give the rompath where /E/Emulators/Surreal64/Roms/. I keep getting the same message however and I am getting frustrated. I have also tried moving things around like folders/files/surreal.ini settings to match some other peoples posts and still nothing. I even re-installed AID after moving so much around I couldn't remember where to put everything and I couldn't get anything when selecting surreal. Now last night I downloaded a cpx-p64v file that was I belive the project 64 that some people seem to like and it is showing up in my emulator file on my xbox right above surreal, but even with the roms in the rom file, still nothing. I hope someone out there knows something that can help me as I only have this last step to finish with my mod. Also a tutorial on this subject would be awesome, though I guess the whole emulator area is a little different for everyone.
  2. Mik3h

    Mik3h Regular member

    Oct 18, 2004
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    Unzip the ROMS, put them in the ROMS folder, start up the N64 emulator, when you get the message about editing the .ini file, press Y and the ROMS should show up.

  3. elucas001

    elucas001 Guest

    Ok I sent the unzipped roms through Flash FXP into the roms folder. After that I edited the surreal.ini to match the path where the roms file is ie /E/Emulators/Surreal64/Roms/. I then disconnect, restart my xbox go into launch emulators and pick surreal. I then get the edit surreal prompt. I press Y and nothing. There must be something I am doing incorrect, but I cannot seem to figure it out. Any ideas as to a possible fix.
  4. elucas001

    elucas001 Guest

    Nevermind,,, you're the man Mike.... Can't say thanks enough to you and everyone who has helped me here on afterdawn. I finally got it working, just took a little trial and error on editing the ini file correctly. Anyway thanks again...
  5. Mik3h

    Mik3h Regular member

    Oct 18, 2004
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    No problem, glad you finally got it working :)


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