The sagem dbox2x1 has got sportster 1.7 can i simply flash nagrarom7-10-11 or do i need to upgrade to newer image, if so any recommendations, thanks and very grateful of any help.
if you transfer roms 7/10/11 Change there Permissions to 755 Thatw ill get you Back up and running This needs to be Done via FTP or the likes .....Paul
Thanks for reply but how do i change permissions,to be honest never flashed before but got alot of info from looking through threads.
Its nothing to do with flashing mate Its File transfer Download Flash Fxp If you need a touch Just shout .....Paul
Thanks Paul< I have Hallenberg ifa will this be ok, waiting for null modem cable before i attempt to do anything. I expect i will need a helping hand, so it woulb be great to have you aboard .. Dru
No Mate IFA will not transfer the Roms for you It needs to be Flash FXP You can transfer the Laky image with IFA That will do the Trick ........Paul
Thanks again for info will now get flashxp, I am hoping to learn as much as possible as afew of my friends our relying on me to get it sorted.