I installed a copy of DVD43 on my Toshiba Satellite M45-S2692 laptop, after a short time I began to have problems, and the DVD / RW stopped recoignizing any disc I put in the drive, copy, original, CD, etc. Tried to unstall DVD43, but uninstall was not in the copy. Manually uninstalled via advice from this forum, but drive will still not recoignize any discs. Toshiba claims drive is bad, but a new Fujitsu drive has the same issues. Restore date is long since passed, so I can't roll back to previous drive or date when all was working. Please help....
Does your drive shw up in My Computer/Device Manager and shows as working? Try removing the uppr/lower filters: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/314060/EN-US/
ouch nasty didnt know dvd43 did that... is dma still ok? and no uninstall? try regedit and delete there too all instances of it maybe.
Thanks for the quick response. Yes, my drive does show up in My Computer/Device Manager; shows as device working properly. I can install a cd or dvd, drive churns 2-4 times and stops. If you open it thru my computer, no disc shows present. Tried to use the Microsoft help page. Here's the twist; tried to remove upper and lower filters per Microsoft link... once I get to 'class' in the registery, there is no upper filter showinging in the topic area (right hand side of screen). {4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} is there but, no upper filter is there only lower filter. Also to Rotary; some sites advise against DVD43 because of problems with uninstall...wish I'd read up on it first..