NDS Backup slows to a crawl

Discussion in 'Nintendo DS' started by diggum, Oct 27, 2009.

  1. diggum

    diggum Member

    Mar 30, 2008
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    Hi everyone.

    I am trying to backup my own games so I don't lose them during a trip. I am using the most recent version of NDS backup tool wifi, small ftp, a cycloDS Evolution with the latest firmware and am using a vista OS.

    I can connect alright and have even enjoyed using irc and the web browser with it. But when it comes to backing up my carts, I am having nothing but trouble. I realize it is a slow process but the guides I have read have all said that a 64mb cart should take roughly an hour. I let it go for 3 hours and it was barely passed 24%. I took notice that the speeds were often below 1 kb per second.

    I know that no one else in my neighborhood is on the same channel as I and sometimes it actually makes it to like 3 or 11% at a respectable speed but always slows to less than 1 kb.

    I know this must be possible because I've seen tons of videos and tutorials but this problem is beyond my ability to troubleshoot alone.

    For your reference, I am primarily following this tutorial http://www.monroeworld.com/myfaq/index.php?action=artikel&cat=7&id=85&artlang=en.

    Is there anyone out there who has had similar trouble or knows what to do to pick up the speeds? Thanks for reading my lengthy post and considering my request for help!
  2. diggum

    diggum Member

    Mar 30, 2008
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    I forgot to add that I also tried several different FTP programs with the same results so I'm fairly certain the problem is not with the way smallftp behaves, excluding possible hitches in the way the tutorial has me set it up. I am using a wireless router with a laptop.

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