Take a movie. Make it a dpg. Put it on. Watch it. If you don't think that has enough detail try this: www.google.com then come back with an actual specific question.
you need a media player, call Moonshell. maybe your M3DS firmware has it already, if not, download it of the net, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MoonShell for info.
Google would show this to you and I again encourage you to learn to use it. While you are learning you could also read: http://gbatemp.net/index.php?showtopic=35547
Anyone have any problems with video quality of movies when using the dpg conversion guide posted here on afterdawn?. I used the exact video/audio settings in the guide to convert avi>dpg but i'm getting real choppy video playback,(audio's perfect). I'm using a Supercard DS1 with built in moonshell. Any ideas please? Thanks
i am using the m3ds card and my video files that i have converted to dpg do get a bit sticky but are nothing to moan about the video and audio quality is brilliant so it might be your supercard ds1 as i have never used your type of card i cannot help you sorry
It's not the conversion, it's probably your flashcard and/or the implementation of Moonshell. I have a G6Real (among others). The G6 Video player is choppy but Moonshell is smooth on the save video file. You may also have a fragmented SD card, which could contribute to choppy playback. I have found that defragmenting the SD card sometime helps. The easiest way to do this (since SD cards have smaller capacities: 1. Copy everything in the root directoy of your SD card to a folder on the PC. 2. Formate your SD card 3. Copy everything back from the folder to the root of your SD.
Hope someone can help. Have spent the last couple nights trying to get mp4's and mp3's into dpg format. Someone had installed the moonshell app on my M3 card so that is done...just trying to get Batch dpg to run. I have installed the following- -Microsoft net (x86 2.0) -Batch DPGMT v2.7z( i had this originally in the same folder as everything else but have since moved it to its own folder as noted) -Avi syn v2.5.7 -K-Lite-standard codec Problem is when trying to run a mp4 file (only type i have tried to convert besides audio)it goes through the motions of converting but after 100 percent it states "audio conversion failed make sure you have the right codecs installed". When i put a mp3 file under input-audio then hit add it will not drop it into the box or even start to convert it. Am pulling my hair out at this point. Any help greatly appreciated.
You don't need to convert mp3's. They will play natively under Moonshell. The mp4 problem is probably exactly what it states- you probably don't have the right codec installed. Try doing a basic avi file first and see if you can get that to work.
Thanks Snorlaz22. Yes it did do the AVI's! Transfered over and play beautifully. As you stated Mp3s work as are. Pics i guess need to be downsized before putting on. Any advice on what codecs to try installing to get MP4s up and running? thanks
I'm not sure. MP4 is M4A is iPod is proprietary, isn't it? I think I would mess with the K-Lite codec pack from here: http://www.free-codecs.com/download/K_lite_codec_pack.htm especialy the Haali media spliter thing and see if I could get that going with DirectShow. I don't understand and hate working with codecs.
In keeping with DVDBack's recent advice I should also probably post this: http://www.afterdawn.com/guides/archive/how_to_play_mp4_files.cfm It might be useful. Don't know.