NDS games backed up on GBA flashcart

Discussion in 'Nintendo DS' started by george17, Jan 4, 2007.

  1. george17

    george17 Guest


    Can anyone tell me how I can get my NDS games, backed up on a GBA EZflash cart, to work on my NDS console ?

    I have a passcard 3 also.

    At the moment I can see the menue of the games. But when I select a game, both screens on the NDS go dark and nothing happens.

    Many thanks
  2. XbusterZ

    XbusterZ Regular member

    Oct 4, 2006
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    when you transfer a game from the comp to the ds, it must be patched to work (unless your using a slot-1 device; which ur not). i believe the m3 guide up there has a link somewhere for ezflash.

    also, i noticed you double-posted this thread. intentional or not, make sure it doesn't happen again. unless you want a mod to close both. go and edit out all information from the other thread or make it into a different thread on the topic of ds. no further help til then.
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2007
  3. george17

    george17 Guest

    Hello Xbuster7

    thanks for info. I will look into that.

    I tried to delete/edit the other post, but could not !

  4. XbusterZ

    XbusterZ Regular member

    Oct 4, 2006
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    meh. u tried. maybe u know who won't notice you know whah.
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2007
  5. XbusterZ

    XbusterZ Regular member

    Oct 4, 2006
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    this is what i found: T_ _T
    its for ezflash iv but should have the basic steps.
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2007
  6. george17

    george17 Guest

    Hi Xbuster7

    I read that info, but I really cant understand it all. I will try a few things and let you know what happens. At the moment its all pretty complicated for me.

    Also, I REALLY did try to delete the other post, but could not find a delete or edit post tab anywhere !

    Thank you very much for your efforts to assist me !
  7. george17

    george17 Guest

    Hi all and Xbuster7.

    Well I got a NDS game to work off a GBA flashrom.(EZ Flash II rom)

    LoadMe to patch
    EZ client 3.26 to burn (settings for NO loader)
    Passcsard 3

    There is one trick though.
    Do NOT put the GBA rom in until you see the advert for the passcard3.
    When you see this, shove the GBA rom in and the game will boot.

    Thanks fo your help..
  8. XbusterZ

    XbusterZ Regular member

    Oct 4, 2006
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    cheers! congrats! u know the rest.

    and just to let you know it's XbusterZ, not Xbuster7.

    heh. enjoy.
  9. george17

    george17 Guest

    ooops, sorry mate !

    hard to see that Z.

    Thanks again XbusterZZZZZZZZZZZZ ! :)

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