I just bought a NDS and I don't know how to play ROMS on it. I have a R4, and a Micro SD. I downloaded a game ROM, dragged it to the Micro SD file, but it doesn't work. What do I have to do? Thanks.
You have to first put the kernel on the R4. download the latest from here: http://r4ds.com/index-en.htm Unpack it and copy all the files to the microsd. when you're done, you will find in the main directory of the microsd files like _system_, _DS_MENU.DAT. If you find none of these files in the top directory of the microsd, look for a folder named English-XX.XX and move the files out from that folder. GreenHike, what wouldn't you risk?
Also make sure that all your roms say .nds on them because I had some trouble with games not coming up on my R4 because there was no extension. If you are looking to play old snes, nes or sega roms, you need an emulator.
Okay. I've done all that. I put Mario Kart into the ROOT of the Micro SD, and when I select Mario Kart, it says I do not have a SAV file for it, and asks if I would like to create it. I say "yes," and then it says "Game Loading," but the game doesn't load at all! I've tried many other games, but still, the game does not load. What's the problem? Thanks!!!
Google "DS SNES EMULATOR" theres a few out there, most are very simple to use and they can be downloaded for free. Theres links to almost all the safe emulators for DS on Wikipedia also.
brand? (sandisk, etc.) well, I dont know about R4's, but for my SuperCard DS ONE I had to format the micro SD to FAT32 before it could play games, to do this, put the card in a micro sd card reader on your comp, right click it, select format, change FAT to FAT32 again, they may not be usefull at all, I only have a SuperCard DS ONE anyone know if that should help him?
mario kart ds should work no problem , do you have the latest firmware on your r4ds v1.11 ? get it from here - http://www.r4ds.com/download-en.htm list of compatible roms for the r4ds is here ( to show you that it works ) - http://wiki.scorpei.com/index.php/R4_compatibility_list 0168 Mario Kart DS (U) (SCZ) works fine with firmware v1.11 0201 Mario Kart DS (E) (Spluff) works fine with firmware v1.11 p.s. both my r4ds amd m3 ds simply have been formatted to fat16 if that makes any difference . woof811.
Using an R4 will not stuff your DS ! any slot 1 or 2 device will not stuff your nintendo ds , it is an external device used for ds roms , gba roms , homebrew , videos etc............. meaning once you take it out of your ds ( ds or gba slot ) your nintendo ds returns to its original state ie . as you bought it in the shop . recommended slot 1 devices for the nds / nds lite are r4ds , m3ds simply , G6 ds real , Ez flashv , supercard ds one , cyclo ds evolution etc......... woof811.