I'm having problem trying to get the game to save. I have 2.5c version of No$Gba and 2.6, but it doesn't saves. I changed the Backup Media option to Flash-512Kb but it still doesn't makes a save file nor loads it. By the way the game is Pokemon Diamond/Pearl, and I'm using in-game saving option since the snapshot option crashes the game whenever I load it. Also in the No$Gba.ini file, someone mentioned to change it from Sav/SNA= Compressed to Uncompressed, I even tried that. Any help would be nice.
according to http://www.ndsemulator.com you have to download a special patched version that allows you to use the save/load option, however i am also looking for this patched version can anybody point me in any directions?
i think i may gave a solution. you see versions 2.4 (and its extensions) need patched roms to work otherwise it wnt save. however versions 2.5 and upwards work perfectly with unpatched games, that is to say clean dumps that are unaltered backups of the ds games. and infact patching the game will further break it and cause it NOT to work im assuming that the rom you use is patched for previous versions. the solution is simple, make sure you have no$gba version 2.6 and go to: http://www.nintendo-ds-roms.com/emule-nds-roms.htm download the rom again (you will need emule, sorry i dont know where to get other roms from)) these roms are the unpatched ones, then all you do. is play the unpatched rom and if you have any old save files (in the battery folder, these are in-game saves) from previous patched roms then just rename them so that the name is exactly the same as the new unpatched rom however make sure you keep the .sav extension and that should let you play the games, save them and load them just fine. however the write state and load states that you can use by clicking on file at the top DO NOT work at the moment on modern versions. so you'll just have to make do with the in-game save. hope this helps. regards, Mubs
Actually I found the answer. We're suppose to use un-patched roms. I had to reset the game after changing the setting to make it work, and then it did. Thanks for help though.