NDS Standby Sensor?????

Discussion in 'Nintendo DS' started by metoninu, Sep 17, 2010.

  1. metoninu

    metoninu Member

    Aug 16, 2008
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    Hi peeps, much appreciation for any pointers you can give me. Does anyone have any idea how the nds goes into standby simply by just closing it? Is there some kind of sensor somewhere.

    The reason i enquire is because curiously enough it my nds will only switch on if its open and upside down, yeah you read right.


    Thx again for any help/ideas.
  2. dailun

    dailun Active member

    Mar 16, 2006
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    Magnetic sensor underneath A-B-X-Y which is triggered by the speaker.

    You can take a magnet and wave it over A-B-X-Y when the cover is open and put it to sleep.

    "The reason i enquire is because curiously enough it my nds will only switch on if its open and upside down, yeah you read right."

    If the sensor were physically broken this might be possible.
  3. metoninu

    metoninu Member

    Aug 16, 2008
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    Thanks for reply dailun, most enlightening. I shall look into this possibility. As the americans say it really is the darndest, (if thats how they spell it).

    I kid you not, i can literally try switching on 10, 15 maybe 20 times and nothing, turn it upside down, obviously making sure nothings being pressed etc. and the unit functions. And get this, if i turn it back to its normal position, i mean not upside down it bloody well turns off.

    This ones really stumped me????????? Any ideas? And thx again matey.
  4. metoninu

    metoninu Member

    Aug 16, 2008
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    UPDATE....for anyone reading etc.

    My problem sounded like i was pissed right? well i was but thats irrelevant. Got it working 100%

    Believe it or not after testing what i suspected to be a top lcd ribbon issue, I did in fact find lack of continuity in one of the traces, practically invisible even under the eye glass, in other words i had a break in one of the ribbon lines.

    I found that whilst turning dsl upside down gravity, general movement etc., even though when i was turning the unit upside down i was being most careful not to shake it about if you know what i mean, gravity, incredibly slight movement etc. was re-establishing continuity in the relevant trace, thus allowing unit to power up properly, in this case the classic green couple of seconds light then a flash from screen followed by power off because of a dodgy, (thats a technical term for all the lamens), lcd/s wasn't a symptom.

    This at the mo is my 99.9% theory, could be a load of bollocks but further examination of the lcd ribbon under microscope will/should confirm. And if thats not informative then i dont know what is. ooooaaaarrrrr shiver me timbers.

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