This is probably more of an advance question for someone really good at repairs. I got an NDSL from a friend that doesn't charge, if i have a fresh battery it powers on fine. But if i put the AC in doesn't charge, so I solder in a new AC connector thinking that's the problem. Still doesn't charge, I check and I do get a 5.45 volt on one of the pins on the system board, so i know the new connector is delivering power. In fact, the old connector may have been good as well. I check F1 and F2 fuses and they both showing 0.3 ohms, so i know they are good. (I actually bridge F1 for the fun of it during testing) What should I check next?
Sorry to hijack this thread, got some Question about charging NDSL. If i use a 5.0V 500Ma to charge my NDSL which original is 5.2v 450Ma will it spoilt my NDSL?? Will it turn out to be like the threadstarter NDSL?? Thankz in advance......
Wow, usally the fuse. Need to be careful for the next bit, remove the back off the DS and plug in the charger, turn the charger on and check that you are getting about 5.2v on the back of the power socket (these can easily get damaged). Then check between ground and both sides of the fuse (the fuse can appear OK but not connect to the board correctly. After that I am a bit stuck! Hope that helps
thanks for the reply kittymat. I repair ds lite on a regular basis but this one stumped me, I think maybe there is a short somewhere, but that's hard to find. After I posted here, I removed by bridge, and then put the F1 fuse back, and here is what I have done so far as testing Code: [____] power connector | | (5.45v ok) {_} F1 | (5.45v ok) | --[ ]--| 5.45v 5.45v seems they are all connecting ok. I am not sure what that second device is, but the voltage goes across that device, it has 4 posts.
Never had to go further than the socket and fuse, I can only think that the 4 legged device is the current measurement device, when the battery draws no current the charging process stops. There should be little else in the circuit, however as Nintendo (and Sony etc)refuse to give advice or circuit diagrams apart from swapping from a known good (charging board)Stuck - replace the circuit board for £35?! HAWKz2 - Yes you can, the reduced voltage will mean slightly increased charging times but other than that it should be fine