I have the NEC 3500 AG F/W 2.1B and it has worked fine on my computer room in the living room. I changed out dvd drives and tried hooking up the NEC 3500 in my bedroom computer and it is recognized in Bios and it shows up on DVD Decrypter but when I try to burn or read discs it loads slow and it makes a clicking sound every couple of seconds. I hooked it back up to my main computer and it works fine. Any suggestions or comments would be appreciated. Thanks
Have you set it as master on the jumpers at the back? And are you trying to connect two drive to this other PC? If you are, set one to slave and one to master. See this link... http://peripherals.about.com/od/cddvddrivesburners/ss/installcddrive_3.htm
I have two hard drives on the first IDE channel, one is primary slave and primary master. The DVD burner is on the second IDE channel and set to secondary master. I have also checked the jumpers on the back. The old Sony burner I had that I just removed had the same jumper setting and it worked fine. Maybe the NEC is not compatible with this motherboard. It works fine with my Asus P4S800 but not the Gigabyte GA-BX2000.
Try buying a new IDE cable - 80 pin. See if it helps. Also, before that, check there is no dust etc in between your connections.