NEC 3550A Questions

Discussion in 'DVD / Blu-ray drives' started by Xehanort, May 9, 2006.

  1. Xehanort

    Xehanort Guest

    Hello all. I am very new to this but thought I'd give er a try. I just recently bought a NEC 3550a and installed it. All seemed to go well. But then when I try to read something with DVD Decrypter it starts out at like 2x or 3x but once the buffer reaches 100% it drops down to 0.7x everytime. Ends up taking an hour to read like a 4.3gb dvd, even with DVDFAb and Nero its the same.

    Perhaps I didnt properly install the drive right. The company I got it from gave me an url to go to see how to install it and it said I had to setup a partition for this drive to work correctyly with XP, is this true and how do I do that? I thought its just automatically recognized as an logical device thing? Its probably just my pos computer or is it me. Any help or ideas would be Great!
  2. Xehanort

    Xehanort Guest

    I'm starting to realize from reading other threads that an 1hour isn't that uncommon especially if you have an outdated comp. I was still wondering about the partition thing though.
  3. 9mmruger1

    9mmruger1 Regular member

    Sep 30, 2005
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    I have this same drive, and installed it on XP and did not have to do anything. Windows recognized it without a hitch. Great drive. What firmware version do you have with it?

    I have Liggy and Dee's 1y6 rpc1. Great firmware. Drive is fast.

    Get it here:

    Last edited: May 9, 2006
  4. Xehanort

    Xehanort Guest

    I just flashed it with 106 originall mine was 105 but still didnt help
  5. Xehanort

    Xehanort Guest

    Ill try that one maybe it'll help
  6. 9mmruger1

    9mmruger1 Regular member

    Sep 30, 2005
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    Check to make sure that you have the DMA enabled instead of PIO. Uninstall the driver for the drive, shut the computer down and reboot it. This should enable the DMA.
  7. Xehanort

    Xehanort Guest

    DMA is enabled

    I just made a huge mistake arggg... I uninstalled nero cause I was planning on doing that and reinstalling and getting the updates since it was version 6.3 but i didnt write down my serial number cause the drive came with a disk with nero on it and i figured it was the rom version but it was only the nero express :( well at least theres a new version out for me to get now.

    anyway i noticed earlier before I did that that in device manager under SCSI & RAID controllers that NERO ImageDrive SCSI controller said device could not start, which now I guess it definetly cant work so should I uninstall it or do I need that
  8. BitterX64

    BitterX64 Member

    May 9, 2006
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    26 May 2006 update:

    Never mind. DVD Player not included with bundled Nero software. Installation of separate DVD Player fixed problems:

    * * * * *

    9 May 2006 post:

    Hi, Friends;

    I have a new 64-bit platform running XP Pro X64. By and large, so far so good.

    However, my Nero Media Player v. does not seem to work, so I wonder whether it is because the Install Suite for Nero v. (dated 31/01/2006) may not be ready for this 64-bit platform.

    I have contacted NEC to ask for help but have yet to hear back from them. If any of you can help in any way, I'll appreciate the "leg up" on the problem.


    Last edited: May 26, 2006
  9. kaity

    kaity Member

    Mar 12, 2006
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    What's the difference between the 1y6 RPC1 and the original Liggy?
  10. 9mmruger1

    9mmruger1 Regular member

    Sep 30, 2005
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    rpc1 is region free fw.
  11. maj1111

    maj1111 Member

    Mar 18, 2006
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    Why is there a 500 booktype change limit? Is there anyway to increase the number of times you can booktype?

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