Hello all! Maybe I'm an idiot (wow, what a great self-introduction!), but I can't find anything pertaining to my issue in the forums. I have the infamous NEC ND-3100AD DVD +RW drive which came with my Dell 8400. I can read and write CDs, both data and music, and I can watch DVDs; no problem. When I insert a blank DVD, it doesn't seem to recognize it. When the Windows XP hey-you-just-insterted-something dialog pops up asking what I want to do, it lists the inserted media as a blank CD. I've tried various brands, both +R and +RW, so I'm somewhat skeptical that it is a media quality issue. Any thoughts on this matter would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
well im guessing it doesnt reconize it because its media used with a DVD writing drive, and your drive only reads DVD's, so the format or what ever it uses to determin if the disk is blank isnt on there. I have no experience in this issue though so I may/usually am wrong