I had been backing up My DVD's useing DVDfab Decrypter And Nero 6.6 Ultra , When after trying to back up a Sony Pictures DVD my burner stopped recognizeing any type of blank media in the drive. I tried installing the Factory Roxio program , and the nero Program, and both programs will not work due to media not being recognized. I tried useing the factory restore disks 2X and still have the same problem. The drive is being detected fine and the trouble shooter says everything is working correctly. I uninstalled the drive, restarted and let the machine detect and reinstall and still has the same results. HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks to anyone who can help with this problem
Hi I had the same problem with a NEC3540, your laser is gone! The 1300A is a pretty old drive now and has probably done a lot of work? The new 4550 is a good solid drive