Before when i was starting my computer my protection virus programm was activeted automaticly and it was doing updating automaticly now i can not see the icon down on my right where the clock is .....where i can go to windows and activate it again when i turn on my pc my andvirus programm will start the programm i am using is avast......and near tha clock are difrent things activated that i do not whant them can i manage to fix this litle mess???
Look in Avast's setting and make sure it is set to load with Windows. To change System Tray settings: Right click the Taskbar, click Properties. Under Notification area click Customize. There you can set what you want or do no want to see. You can delete the startup keys if needed but, what is running that you do not want?
Niobis thank you for your response to my question!! Now i have try to find something in avast setings but nothing exist in there!to start with windows! ok i have just done this To change System Tray settings: Right click the Taskbar, click Properties. Under Notification area click Customize. There you can set what you want or do no want to see. and have what i have now and what i had in the past in the past i can see that avast was there but it is not now!!!i have puss the button to re-go again!i will restar my pc!and i hope i have done something!if not i will pop back again! and the thing i was very nervous with is a programme named winamp and it was 3 or five times an icon down there i was deleting it and when i was opening my pc it was there again many times!!!! hope i am doing right things!!!!!thank you very much!!!
Winamp is nothing to be nervous about. Simply open Winamp and press Ctrl+T, look for "Show Winamp in" check Taskbar. That will remove it from the System Tray. As for Avast starting with Windows, I do not use Avast and do not know where that option would be.